NEW YEAR, NEW MINDSET Optimize Your Life by Envisioning Your Future

New You in the NEW YEAR
Strengthen Your Mindset
Focus Your Vision

Use the power of your visual system 
to successfully fulfill your goals.


The widely observed custom of bringing in the new year with celebration and goal setting dates back thousands of years.  While we certainly do not have to wait until January 1st to make desired changes in our lives, there does exist a magic associated with this date that motivates us to imagine  a newer and improved self. Psychologically, the start of a new calendar year stimulates our mindset and connects us to our personal collection of dreams, goals and aspirations that we would like to achieve and areas in which we can self-improve. 

A new year marks a revival; a beginning.  While not everyone adheres to or embraces this practice, for those who do, there is a general consensus as to the chosen focal areas.  

Self-improvement resolutions typically fall within the following 5 categories:

1. Becoming more fit and healthy and/or losing weight

2. Finding one's passion and/or purpose

3. Acquiring skills for professional and/or personal success

4. Improving interpersonal relationships

5. Improving confidence & courage, while decreasing fear

Initially, there's a strong start. Motivated and energized, the first few weeks proceed smoothly. And then, here comes late January/ early February and fewer than 10% of new year's resolutions remain viable. What began as a solid intention and plan has, by then, fallen to the wayside. Can this be avoided? The answer is YES, but first, let's look at why this happens. 

Why do well intentioned and even well thought out plans fail?  We did the right things, established our "why",  downloaded the app, purchased the program, read the book, and/or created the monitoring and measurement chart necessary to stay on track. So why didn't the new habit or behavior stick? The simple answer: Life happens! 

We became busy and/or distracted, and therefore the goal's flow was interrupted. If we quickly redirected and returned to the goal, then in all likelihood, we're good to go! However, if the distraction turned into a veering away from the objective, then the chances of re-focusing with the goal in mind weakens. It will continue to diminish as time passes. Whereas the desired goal did not disappear, the fervor that initiated the momentum on January 1st did. The mind can only handle so many distractions and defeats before it succumbs to the pressure of negative self-talk, advancing the narrative of "This is too hard!" or "This will never happen for me!" A self-defeatist mindset is much more debilitating than any unaccomplished goal.  Reminding ourselves to be mindfully vigilant of the language we use will go a long way in goal attainment. 

Keep in perspective that the initially established goal was in all likelihood formidable. If it were easy, we would have already accomplished it; without discussion, without effort, and without distractions. Easy goals do not register on the New Year's resolution list. 

Easy goals, also, do not change us. They do not advance our life in meaningful ways. However, breaking down large goals into smaller, easier to accomplish ones, places us steadily on the path to success. 

As expressed by Lao Tzu, "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." 

Familiarity provides comfort, 
while variety provides stimulation. 


The path to success involves skillfully incorporating a combination of skills. They include paying attention, delaying gratification, making good decisions, focusing, persevering, and bouncing back when faced with challenges. While all these play a critical role, our confidence in ourselves matters most. More than half of the battle of achieving a worthy goal is BELIEVING in oneself. 

In the 1970s, psychologist, Albert Bandura coined the term Self-Efficacy and it relates to people's beliefs in their capabilities to govern their own functioning and have control over circumstances that affect their lives.  It is the groundwork for inspiration, motivation, well-being, and accomplishment. A strong sense of self-efficacy is positively correlated with the ability to cope with stress, adopt a healthy lifestyle, and resiliently bounce back when life throws curve balls. 



The field of positive psychology, growing steadily since the late 1990s,  researches methods to improve quality of life. It focuses on character strengths, such as courage and the expression of gratitude, and behaviors that promote meaning and purpose in an individual's life, and proposes practices that improve life satisfaction and well-being. The better we feel, the greater our energy. 

Energy is the currency of life! 
An increase in energy provides the stamina needed to persevere and continue past the point of fatigue and/or defeat. How we see ourselves and our circumstances matter. 

Who we spend time with and the strategies we introduce and implement into goal setting also matter. To perform at our highest level, we must get into the right mindset. 

Psychology professor, Carol Dweck coined the terms fixed and growth mindset to describe the underlying beliefs people have about their abilities and whether or not they can change and grow. Those with a fixed mindset believe their basic qualities, such as intelligence or talents, are static, while those with a growth mindset believe these qualities are malleable. The recent advances in neuroscience research helps shed light on this topic. 

Neuroscience challenged the long held assumption that our brain, our operating system, is rigid and that once we're past a certain age, few changes take place. Neuroplasticity, or the brain's ability to continue to be shaped, molded, or altered, provides new hope and is one of the most exciting and wide-reaching discoveries in modern day science. Its general takeaway: Our brain is able to change, create new neural pathways, and re-organize itself, in response to life experiences. New experiences invite growth!

While there are no shortcuts to success, there are scientifically supported concepts that when applied consistently can advance our mission and place us directly en route. These strategies draw on our visual system.  What we see in our mind's eye is truly powerful. 


Originating from the brain  are a set of 12 cranial nerves; each serving a different function for sense and/or movement. Of the 12, 6 cranial nerves innervate motor, sensory, and autonomic structures in the eyes. So... when half of the cranial nerves dedicate themselves, either partially or entirely, to vision, we cannot ignore the power of the visual system. The process of picturing or imagining things increases the potential for manifestation, mainly through the application of focus. Through focus, we obtain clarity. 

Change the way 
you look at things 
and the things you 
look at change.

-Wayne Dyer

Many  are familiar with the concept of visualizing success, as the term has been part of the common vernacular of professional athletes, entertainers, and entrepreneurs for decades. Key components involve imagery and mental rehearsal, as well as powerful self-talk. The language we use to narrate the imagery or visualization is important. 

Research consistently supports that no matter our current skill level, visualizing ourselves going through the motions will help us perform better. Invoking as many senses as possible will strengthen the visualization or imagery. For example, if you are about to get in front of an audience to deliver an important speech, then see yourself walking confidently toward the podium, feel your body 'feeling powerful and relaxed,' and hear the praise from the audience. 

Visualization is also highly effective in improving a specific skill set. For example, a quarterback repeatedly visualizing the perfect pass will help him perform this skill with accuracy while under pressure, such as on game day. This powerful technique is available to anybody who wishes to utilize it. 

Mental visualization affects many cognitive processes such as motor control, perception, attention, memory and planning. Also, focus is enhanced with repeat visualizations. Create the clearest vision possible. If the picture is fuzzy, apply more focus! Whether we designate 5 minutes or 50, we will derive benefits and these benefits accrue with each practice. 

Mental Visualization Practice 

1. Find a quiet and comfortable place where you will not be disturbed. 

2. Focus your attention on the goal. What is the desired outcome?

3. Breathe naturally; find your calm.

4. Begin to piece together, image by image, the details (from beginning to end) leading to a successful outcome. 

5. Insert positive self-talk in the dialogue of this mental rehearsal.

6. See the final successful outcome, clearly. Sharpen your focus!  

Create a Vision Board 

Another popular imagery strategy is the creation of a vision board. A vision board is a conglomeration of images, quotes, and words that capture our interests and feature our aspirations and goals. There's no limit to what we can post on our board and the only criterion is that it has to be something we truly desire. The vision board is often a predecessor  to manifestation.  How we set up our board is entirely up to each and every one of us and our  creativity. Personalize this experience! 

Dedicate 5 minutes each morning and visit and view the board. The magic in the vision board is we will start to notice our lives, imperceptibly at first, move in the direction of the actualization of our goals. 

Before realizing it and sooner than expected, another year will have passed and we will gratefully and perhaps even surprisingly notice the significant changes and progress we've made.

Enhancing the Vision by Knowing Thyself

The ancient Greek inscription Know Thyself

carved at the entrance of Apollo’s temple, 

has inspired countless individuals throughout history 

to embark on an inward journey with the intended

 destination of self-understanding. 

While visualization exercises are effective, they will not deliver desired results if one is lacking in self-awareness. A key component of success involves dedication to investing in our personal growth. Self-awareness provides the insight necessary to chart a path in which potential conflicts and pitfalls can be anticipated and potentially avoided. Without it, we will simply be vulnerable to the plethora of distractions that can derail our plans. For example, if our new year's resolution is to return to college and graduate with our degree, but we have not dedicated time on our planner for studying, then it won't be long before we find ourselves falling so far behind that the completion of academic demands will simply be too burdensome.  

If we're aware of the tendency toward procrastination, then  we can attempt to remedy this situation by putting safeguards in place to ensure the timely completion of assignments and projects. If we didn't know we had this tendency, then there would be little interest in attempting to circumvent or overcome our procrastination. 

Know your energy rhythms. 

Know your potential pitfalls. 

Know yourself. 

Self-reflection is the path to self-awareness. Pondering or j
ournaling on the following questions can help connect us inwardly.

  • Do I have a personal identity? What is it?
  • Am I able to see the patterns in my life; my behaviors, my emotions; my relationships? 
  • What is standing in the way of my success? How can I overcome this? 
Psychological awareness and well-being 
accelerate success. 

Another aspect of psychological awareness and success is related to neuroscience's mirror neuronsHumans are hard-wired for connection. Our need for connection means we are more influenced by others' behaviors and actions than many of us wish to acknowledge or accept. Although the research is not yet conclusive, it is leaning toward  supporting findings that mirror neurons, which are neurons found in our brain, "mirror" the behavior of others, and almost inadvertently and subconsciously take on others' characteristics and habits. How can we apply this finding? 

You are the average of the 5 people 
you spend the most time with.  
                            -Jim Rohn

If seeking physical fitness,  associate with others who are fit and who have a solid exercise routine. 

If seeking better grades, associate with others who consistently achieve good grades and who utilize effective study skills. 

If seeking professional advancement, associate with others who are in positions you are desiring and who place importance on personal and professional development. 

You deserve to be the very best version of you.   

Your loved ones deserve to be 
around the very best version of you. 

 Your vision provides guidance. 

It transforms impulsive or mindless action
 into ones rooted in conscientiousness and mindfulness. 

Any worthwhile goal is going to be challenging. 

When feeling stuck or defeated, invite your readily available 
visual system to "perform" the act or behavior 
needed for goal attainment and "see" the successful 
outcome in your mind's eye. 




The information presented in this blog is intended for general knowledge 
and is not a substitute for medical or psychological advice or treatment. 


APA. Dweck, C. S. (2008). Mindset. Ballantine Books.

Bandura, A. (1977). Self-efficacy: Toward a unifying theory of behavioral change. Psychological Review, 84(2), 191-215.

If you enjoyed this article and would like to read more, then let's connect:

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 LINKEDIN:  Marie T. Rogers, Ph.D. 

 INSTAGRAM: Mariethereserogers

X: Marie Therese Rogers, Ph.D.


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