A change in your personal definition will instantly change the talents you express, the behaviors you demonstrate, and the aspirations you pursue.
-Tony Robbins
One of the greatest myths many believe and often goes unchallenged is that "people don't change." If this were true, then there would be no need for personal development seminars, psychotherapy, life coaching, leadership development courses, or any other self-motivating or self-enhancing activity, via books, journals, audiotapes, and on-line courses.
Since self-improvement is a multi-billion dollar industry, it stands to reason that this cliche is simply untrue and needs to be put to rest. While for some, this concept is valid, but as far as a general statement, we need to re-think this one as advancements in neuroscience indicate otherwise. We all have personal examples of individuals in our lives who do not change. They live the same day, think the same thoughts, and behave the same way EVERY DAY! They live their lives on repeat! There is little to no self-reflection or course correction. However, this should not be confused with one's inability to change. Few of us are incapable of changing, growing and evolving!
In general, self-improvement goals fall into one of the following5categories:
1. Enhancing energy levels by becoming more fit and healthy and/or losing weight
3.Acquiring and developing skills for professional and/or personal success
4.Improving interpersonal relationships
5. Developing confidence & courage, while decreasing fear
Neuroscience challenged the long held assumption that our brain, our operating system, is rigid and that once we're past a certain age, few changes take place. It turns out you can teach an old dog new tricks.
Neuroplasticity, or the brain's ability to continue to be shaped, molded, or altered, provides new hope and is one of the most exciting and wide-reaching discoveries in modern day science.
We now know that the brain, with its approximately 90 billion interconnected neurons communicating with one another through the transmission of electric nerve impulses, is more malleable than previously thought. Our neurons have an enormous number of computational capabilities with various capacities, and the experiences we have will determine which of those capacities will be utilized and strengthened.
In essence, our brain is able to change, create new neural pathways, and re-organize itself, in response to life experiences.
During childhood, certain connections will be reinforced based on the stimulation provided by the environment. For example, when children play, they learn. Play activates their developing brains' neural connections. New synapses and new patterns form, at exponential rates.
During adolescence, the brain eliminates no longer used neural connections through a process referred to as synaptic pruning. As we grow older, age-related decline occurs; however, neuroplasticity may slow neural deterioration and increase neural activity by enhanced activation through stimulation, training, and experience. Keep using it if you don't want to lose it!
The importance of neuroplasticity cannot be overstated, especially for those with histories of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and trauma. It is possible to change dysfunctional patterns of thinking and behaving and to develop new mindsets, skills, and capabilities. With advances in neuroscience and trauma treatment, and by allowing for a rich variety of learning and novel experiences that are accompanied by effective and functional strategies, healing and self improvement goals (among others) will be reachable and in all likelihood inevitable.
When it feels disheartening to learn that trauma changes the brain, remember that healing changes the brain too.
-Poppy Leigh
The primary step toward self-improvement as part of our on-going "growth" journey is developing a self-awareness and self-reflectionmindfulness practice. This starts with being self-curious. To evolve, we need to spend time with ourselves in quiet reflection, asking key questions, and creating a personal plan for action, that may include professional intervention for those with trauma histories.
As we mature, our brain changes. Various experiences and challenges, and OUR RESPONSE to them will determine what the next stage of our life will resemble.
Questions to ask include:
What did I learn from this experience?
What will I do differently next time?
How has this experience changed me?
What new skills or habits do I need to cultivate or enhance to reach desired outcomes?
And the BIG question, which is the stimulator of new pathways, is —>
Energy flows were attention goes, and that in which we spend our time will ultimately strengthen and grow.
Neurons that fire together,
wire together.
Following this premise, the following activities (presented below), when applied consistently, will create the neuronal firing that will ultimately connect their wiring, and new habits and a mindset will result.
James Clear, in his best-seller book, Atomic Habits, makes the case for tiny changes leading to significant results, stating “Habits are the compound interest of self-improvement.”
Here are some science supported activities to keep our brain agile, flexible, and youthful.
Engage socially with individuals whose habits, behaviors, and mindset you admire. Our relationships matter and, over time, we become similar to the 5 people with whom we mostly interact. Choose wisely!
Keep learning; enroll in an on-line course or at your local university. There are so many interesting adult courses we can choose from that offer a flexible schedule and curriculum.
Do something new! Novel experiences enhance our neural pathways.
Clear, J. (2018). Atomic habits: tiny changes, remarkable results : an easy & proven way to build good habits & break bad ones. New York, New York: Avery, an imprint of Penguin Random House.
The information presented in this blog is intended for general knowledge
and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment.
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The brain is truly a wonderful organ!