The right questions allow for clarity, targeted problem solving, and resolution.

In today's busy world, it's easy to get caught up with endless to-do lists and mindless engagements that serve little purpose other than to keep you on the proverbial hamster wheel of busy-ness. Jumping from thought to thought and task to task, few are silencing their minds for even 30 seconds
to catch their breath

Frenzied days, accelerating to an unsustainable speed, result in getting nowhere fast! 

We feel "wound up" and irritable. The end result?  Mind and body fatigue. 

When disconnected from our purpose; our truth, we eventually become disconnected from life itself. We start to lose sight of those around us who truly matter and who should be getting our attention. We also start to lose sight of what truly matters. It won't be long before we lose our sense of self. This disconnection results in a profound loss of perspective and joie de vivre. Joy simply disappears from our lives and from our souls. Unfortunately, for many, returning to or finding oneself occurs as a consequence of a serious life crisis or tragedy that will command one's full attention. 

Whereas some crises are unavoidable, many could have been circumvented with awareness and a plan. Once you have identified a potential conflict, push the pause button. Do not proceed mindlessly. This is the time to pay attention and problem solve. Keep in mind, you can re-orient and recalibrate at any time. Exercise that power. Galvanize your frontal lobes' executive functions to chart a different and solid path. 

 Reflecting on your life, asking deep questions, and strategizing different options are musts if you wish to feel a sense of inner power to navigate external circumstances. 

Self-reflection involves asking questions about your goals, values, strengths and weaknesses, perceptions, and patterns of interactions with others. 

WHO AM I? The process of self-discovery is both wide and deep, oftentimes resembling a labyrinth. Analogous to navigating through marsh or swamp land in an effort to explore parts of nature not easily observed, so too is the trek inward. It's about having the courage to live the life that is true for you. It can certainly feel tiresome, laborious, uncomfortable, and challenging. If it didn't, did one really do the work? We are complex. Knowing ourselves requires investigation and exploration. 

Feeling fulfilled and successful in your life's pursuits will be largely determined by your ability to access keen insights, see patterns within your thinking and behavior,  and minimize psychological blindspots. In essence, to know yourself! This is known as having emotional intelligence, a term that sprung into popularity and our common vernacular in the 90s. 

While some individuals are naturally more insightful and self-curious, they certainly are not exempt from having to do the work to hone these skills. There is always room for growth in the arena of personal development. At any given moment, you are presented with two dichotomous choices: 

Evolve or Repeat. 


Grab your planner and place yourself on the schedule. Carve out a meeting time that is just with yourself. 

Bring a notebook and pen. 

Remove all distractions. 

A strategic starting point for self-reflection would be to have a specific question or goal in mind that you are trying to solve or accomplish. One of my favorite self-discovery questions that targets denial and/or avoidance (two key defense mechanisms) is:  What is it about my current situation I am pretending not to know? 

On paper, freely associate thoughts that come to mind in relation to either the above question or a problem or challenge you're currently experiencing. It could also be about a goal you're attempting to reach.  Be honest with yourself. Generate as many possible thoughts or solutions as you can (on paper). Do not concern yourself with whether or not these thoughts make sense or your solutions are realistic and attainable. 

 Just allow your mind to freely traverse the path of generating thoughts and brainstorming; engaging the divergent thinking area of your brain.  Self-reflection will allow you to organize your thoughts, and therefore your life.

When you have completed this activity, review your meeting notes. Jot down insights and patterns. 

Does the problem look different to you now? 

Are you seeing solutions? 

Is your path toward your goal clearer? 

How do you feel about yourself after having self-reflected?  

Mindfully Reflecting

The very act of pausing, reflecting, connecting and planning is transformatively powerful and can be the determining factor in your energy levels. 

Are you approaching life with exuberant energy, magnetically attracting opportunities, or are you constantly feeling like you're on a never ending treadmill, chasing after your dreams and aspirations?  

Chance favors the prepared mind. 
Louis Pasteur

Inner peace requires a self-knowing and an adherence to your values and principles so as not to easily become distracted by external forces, or by the inane and irrelevant. 

If it's not your path, then there is no need to travel that road. Self-awareness awakens your internal compass. Feeling peaceful means living in a state of alignment and heightened aliveness. Emotional freedom stems from clarity. 

Mindfulness is the act of paying attention to the present moment with a non-judgmental attitude. 

In essence, mindfulness is the basic human ability to become fully present, without feelings of overwhelm or over-reactivity. 

Mindfulness feels peaceful! 

35 Self-Reflection Questions                          

If you carved out 30 minutes per week and, each week, reflected on one question, imagine how much more you would KNOW about yourself within a time frame of approximately 8 months? There's power in self-knowledge. Grab your journal and power up your life! 

  • What are my top talents and skills? 
  • What combination of skills do I uniquely possess? 
  • What energizes me?
  • What depletes me of my energy?
  • What is my personal mission statement?
  • What 5 words best describe me? 
  • What do I wish others knew about me?
  • What keeps me grounded?
  • What do I do for creativity?
  • When was the last time I did something for the first time? What was it?
  • What skills am I developing?
  • What truly matters to me?
  • Who do I admire? Why? 
  • How close are my actions to those I admire? 
  • What superpower would I like to have? 
  • What does a perfect week look like for me?
  • How close does my life resemble this "perfect" week? 
  • If I consistently applied 5% more effort in an important area of my life, what would my life look like in 6 months? 
  • Where do I see myself in 1 year,  5 years, 10 years?
  • How have I changed over the past 3 years? 
  • What is my best habit? Worst? 
  • Who do I miss?
  • What do I miss?
  • If I could have one question fully answered for me, what would that question be?
  • What is my favorite place in the world? Why?
  • What is my most favorite memory?
  • What is my least favorite memory? 
  • What activities put me in the zone, the flow state? 
  • If I had to give a presentation in 10 minutes on any topic of my choice, what can I talk about for at least 30 minutes without much preparation?
  • What did I love to do as a child? 
  • What is my secret dream? 
  • What makes me feel confident and fearless?
  • What makes me anxious? 
  • Who is/was my greatest motivator?
  • What additional self-inquiry questions do I have or wish to explore? 

You can know yourself and learn about yourself simultaneously.

You can be a work of art and a work in progress simultaneously. 

If you enjoyed this article and would like to read more, then let's connect:

FACEBOOK: Marie Therese Rogers


 LINKEDIN:  Marie T. Rogers, Ph.D. 

 INSTAGRAM: Mariethereserogers 

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