Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that plays a crucial role in mood regulation and overall feelings of happiness, satisfaction and optimism, and there are natural ways to help boost its production and levels. While not a substitute for responsible medical consultation and care, the following 7 recommendations are drug-free ways to feel better and more energized.
Physical activity stimulates the release of endorphins which can increase levels of serotonin. A good workout does not have to involve a 1-hour weight lifting session or a 5-mile beach run. It can be as simple as performing a few sit-ups and push-ups, or a short walk around your neighborhood or a nearby park. A 20-minute stretch can be so restoratively soothing to both your mind and muscles. Make this easy on yourself. Brainstorm activities you enjoy. What appeals to you? How do you like to move and connect with your body? Start there.
Responsible exposure to sunlight can be both an energy and mood boost due to sunlight's ability to enhance serotonin production. Spending time outdoors and connected with nature, especially during the morning hours, nourishes our soul. Our body, hard-wired to the natural environment, needs fresh air. Although we find peace and tranquility in natural locations, we are unfortunately spending less time outdoors, tapping into nature's rhythm and bountiful health offerings, and more time indoors, in isolation, and in front of screens. Few of us are reporting feeling energized, focused, and a general sense of well-being, and rates of feeling "burned-out" are exponentially escalating. THE REMEDY? Go outside and engage with your world!
The gut-brain connection plays a role in serotonin production. Consuming foods rich in tryptophan, which is an amino acid your body uses to produce serotonin, can help elevate your mood energy. These foods include:
dairy products
In contrast, diets high in processed foods and refined sugars can lead to impaired brain function as well as lowered levels of energy and mood.
The healing benefits of massage therapy are plentiful. Kneading and/or manipulating muscles and other soft tissues improves well-being and health. Massage therapy has been known to lower blood pressure, decrease pain and tension, and relieve stress. While lowering stress hormones, it simultaneously releases serotonin. One of massage therapy's key benefits is in its immediate ability to naturally release endorphins and decrease adrenalin. This results in a state of deep relaxation. Schedule a 60 or 90 minute massage and reap the benefits of a tranquil body and mind.
Positive social interactions and meaningful relationships increase feelings of well-being and improve mood. Healthy interactions with others not only promote serotonin, but also oxytocin, dopamine and endorphins. Feeling good is just a natural by-product of hanging out with friends and family, where feelings of support and love are promoted.
Getting consistent restorative sleep is essential for the production of serotonin. Your brain operates 24/7 without taking a break. While you're sleeping, there is a coordinated, systematized, and highly productive factory occurring deep within your brain and body whose entire function is to keep you healthy, energized, and alive.
Sleep disturbance is a common health complaint, affecting approximately 10-25% of the general population and pharmaceutical sleep aids remain the first line of treatment for insomnia and other related sleep issues. Although they can be effective, they also have the potential for abuse and cross-reactivity with other medications, as well as a plethora of side-effects.
A nightly meditation practice, as well as engaging in Yoga Nidra, can do wonders for stress management, and help you feel calm and serene. Click here for more information on Yoga Nidra —> Yoga Nidra
Here are some helpful tips to get restorative sleep:
★Your bedroom should be cool and dark, and free from distracting noise and devices. Some find white noise or background sounds of nature soothing.
★Try to keep to a schedule. Attempt to go to bed and wake up at the same time each day.
★Avoid consuming caffeinated beverages after noon and late night snacking.☀Get some sunlight. Just 20 minutes of natural light exposure during the morning will help your body produce melatonin when it's time for sleep.
Over time, protracted levels of stress will ultimately affect and change the chemicals in your brain that help modulate cognition and mood, and this includes serotonin. Engaging in a self-care routine has been clinically shown to reduce stress and anxiety, improve focus and concentration, minimize feelings of frustration, irritability, and depression, and improve energy and immune functioning. Burning the candle at both ends, so to speak, comes with serious health and psychological consequences. Anything we do to keep ourselves healthy and energized is self-care and therein lies the path to stress management. While few would disagree the importance of self-care, it is often not prioritized in our lives. When stressed, self-care is unfortunately the first to go.
Activities such as exercising, meditating, journaling, listening to soothing sounds and music and engaging in a hobby are acts of self-care. Add relaxation techniques such as progressive muscle relaxation, guided imagery and mindfulness meditation and you should start to feel your stress level decrease, and your energy levels and mood improve.
When serotonin levels are balanced, you will feel more focused, calmer and joyful. Low levels of serotonin tend to be associated with depression. The information presented in this blog is intended for general knowledge and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment.
As with most things in life, there isn't a magic pill or "cure-all" but there are strategies to help regain control of your life. It is also important to note that while these methods can support healthy serotonin production, they may not be a replacement for medical treatment.
Always consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice and treatment options.
Let's connect:
FACEBOOK: Marie Therese Rogers
Atlantic Behavioral Health Professionals
Life in Focus
LINKEDIN: Marie T. Rogers, Ph.D.
INSTAGRAM: Mariethereserogers
I love this! All of these pillars are so important and I absolutely love my monthly massages, they truly do make me feel so much better. Thank you for sharing all these key facets for boosting serotonin.
Your brain is constantly processing information, and does so with lightning speed. It quickly decides what stimuli to attend to and what to ignore. Emotions play a large role in the brain's filtering process. How the information is processed will determine the degree to which you feel focused, serene, calm, anxious, stressed, and/or discombobulated. Your executive functions are key to critical reasoning and problem solving. Critical reasoning and problem solving are negatively correlated with cognitive distortions. As one goes up, the other goes down. Everybody cognitively distorts! You can't always think clearly, logically and productively. But, you can help notice when thinking goes awry. You can learn to mindfully halt a runaway thought process that is taking you down a dark and deep rabbit hole. You can learn to leverage your executive functions and mitigate cognitive distortions. Th...
A bird sitting on a tree is never afraid of the branch breaking because its trust is not on the branch but on its own wings. -Charlie Wardle Panic attacks represent the quintessential experience of extreme overwhelm and terror in which your body, within minutes, autonomically (or automatically) arouses and springs into action, believing all is not well in the world and danger is lurking nearby. If you've experienced one, then you know exactly what this feels like. If you haven't, then appreciating the experience of "dread" at full throttle in the absence of an identifiable "threat" will make you scratch your head, wondering how it can be possible for the nervous system to escalate so quickly and go into fear mode when there is no real danger or apparent cause. In contrast to anxiety, or anxious feelings, panic attacks are so insidious in that they can show up, uninvited, and certainly unwelcomed, at any time. Chronic Stress In a world of constant n...
ENERGY FLOWS WHERE ATTENTION GOES Too many of us are living lives that are unsustainable, with rates of chronic illness, anxiety and burnout escalating at exponential rates. We are spending less time outdoors, tapping into nature's rhythm and bountiful health offerings, and more time indoors, in isolation, and in front of screens. Few are reporting feeling energized, focused, and a general sense of well-being. Dysregulated, distracted, and disconnected, we have allowed ourselves to fall into habits that reinforce this unhealthy and heavily tech-driven lifestyle, that has led to executive function fatigue. These are neither natural nor desirable states of being and will eventually lead to dis-ease within our bodies, affecting health and energy levels that are needed for connection, harmony, focus , imagination , purpose and direction. Rather than feeling a sense of forward progression, many are living lives analogo...
I love this! All of these pillars are so important and I absolutely love my monthly massages, they truly do make me feel so much better. Thank you for sharing all these key facets for boosting serotonin.
ReplyDeleteTHANK YOU!