The mountains are calling and I must go.

-John Muir

Whether an outdoor enthusiast or a homebody, or someone somewhere in the middle, we all crave connection with nature, to varying degrees, understanding that deep within our souls our natural world is our playground.  Research supports the energizing and uplifting feelings derived from time spent outdoors. If you are finding yourself sleepwalking through life, then allow nature to be your wake-up call.

Engaging with nature nourishes our soul. Our body, hard-wired to the natural environment, needs fresh air. Although we find peace and tranquility in natural locations, we are unfortunately spending less time outdoors, tapping into nature's rhythm and bountiful health offerings, and more time indoors, in isolation, and in front of screens. Few of us are reporting feeling energized, focused, and a general sense of well-being, and rates of feeling "burned-out" are exponentially escalating.  

Our modern world through present-day conveniences has us spending so much time in climate-controlled, indoor settings surrounded by artificial lighting and recycled air that although it may feel more comfortable, it cannot be how we live each day, 24 hours per day. Our brain, mind, body and soul crave fresh air and sunshine. 

Nature stimulates our senses providing interesting and distinct scents, an aesthetically pleasing range of colors, an array of textures to touch and feel, and calming sounds that soothe our nervous system, such as that of crashing ocean waves, a babbling brook, rainfall, and waterfalls. Mindfully connecting with nature and allowing it to stimulate our mind and body create an energizing and renewing effect on our outlook and mental attitude. The therapeutic benefits are staggering. 

The more connected we are to nature, 
the more disconnected we will be to stress!

As our stress levels decrease, our executive functions improve. These functions include decision making, problem solving, planning, organizing, time management, project or task initiation, and emotional regulation, and are part of our brain's frontal and prefrontal lobes. When our executive functioning system is fatigued or overworked, we will feel cognitively sluggish, inattentive, and easily overwhelmed. For those with demanding schedules, in which they are constantly chasing deadlines and operating under chronically urgent situations,  carving out time to spend in nature will be viewed as "impossible." However, they are the ones who NEED it most. 

The following popular Zen saying comes to mind: 

"You should sit in meditation for 20 minutes a day. 
Unless you are too busy, then you should sit for an hour." 

Once you enter into EXECUTIVE FUNCTION FATIGUE (EFF), you will have little energy to focus and efficiently get through your day. As energy dwindles, so will your joy and overall feelings of well-being and life-satisfaction. So, what is at least one solid remedy for EFF? Increase your exposure to the natural world. 


The following are just a few examples. Engage your creativity and seek ways to add nourishing nature time into your lifestyle. 


Carve out quiet time into your day.  Unhook, unplug and untether yourself from your devices and go outside. This may involve sunbathing, walking around the block, or visiting your garden;  picking fresh vegetables and herbs for tonight's dinner. If you have more time, take it. The more time spent in nature, the better you will feel. You may also wish to bring a book or your journal. Find a spot and sit and read a few pages or express and capture your thoughts in writing while enjoying some fresh air.

If you are unable to step outside and just need a minute to re-connect and rejuvenate as you're feeling your stress and tension levels rise, then click on the following 1-minute YouTube video link for a soothing sound and visual experience of the ocean. 


Arrange to meet your friends outdoors. Allow the natural world to be part of your get-together. If at your home, alert your guests that the festivities will be outside. If a natural, outdoor environment is not available, then perhaps you can make reservations at a local restaurant or cafe with a scenic outdoor patio and dine alfresco. 


Consider planning a nature infused getaway for your next vacation that may involve pitching a tent and spending a few days at a local campsite or kayaking, canoeing or paddle boarding in nearby waters. The very act of connecting with nature is calming to our nervous system, and spending a few days and nights outdoors, sleeping under the stars, may be exactly what you need to re-set and reinvigorate your life.  


Your furry friends are great for your health, and they love nature. Discover new trails   and parks with your loyal companion, especially if your furry friend is a dog.  
Also, because animals live in the moment, they are excellent teachers of presence and understand nature's rhythm better than most humans. They take each moment, from eating their food to snuggling with their humans, as it comes, making the most of the here-and-now. 


Decorate your home and/or office with plants and photos of nature.  Add sounds of nature to your indoor living environment as well, for added benefits. I especially love apps featuring the sounds of rain or the ocean. Your environment will have a powerful effect on your mood and productivity. Maintaining a connection to nature is highly beneficial. When working on a project or highly cognitively demanding task (such as studying), having your indoor environment mimic nature can be an energy boost, creating the ideal circumstances for peak brain activity and a calm nervous system, allowing you to more easily enter the zone

There are many creative ways to invite nature into your space and enjoy its richness. Indoor  decor and environments that include inspirations from nature, such as natural light, water, greenery, wood, and stone are pleasing to our visual, as well as other sensory systems and create internal feelings of peacefulness and serenity. Color schemes that include green, blue and brown are experienced as calming and healing. 

Create a signature atmosphere that resonates with your desired lifestyle, both personally and professionally.

If it's been awhile since you've experienced being in the presence of mountains, the beach, a sunrise or sunset, then this is your invitation to reconnect and enjoy nature's health, mood, and cognitive offerings. 

Now, go engage with your world!

The information presented in this blog is intended for general knowledge 
and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment. 

If you enjoyed this article and would like to read more, then let's connect:

 FACEBOOK: Marie Therese Rogers


 LINKEDIN:  Marie T. Rogers, Ph.D. 

 INSTAGRAM: Mariethereserogers


                 Nature Podcast

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