BURNOUT and STRESS: How a Daily Dose of Creativity Can Re-Spark Your Energy
Presently, amidst a protracted global health pandemic , healthcare workers are experiencing unprecedented levels of physical and mental exhaustion. The rates of self-reported symptoms of anxiety and depression are accelerating. According to recent data published by Mental Health America (MHA), responses collected from 1119 healthcare workers indicate that a staggering 76% reported exhaustion and burnout. Additionally, clinical researchers, Rebecca Hendrickson and Katherine Hoerster at VA Puget Sound Health Care System at the University of Washington School of Medicine reported that in a survey of more than 500 healthcare workers and first responders, a substantial majority reported experiencing clinically significant psychiatric complaints such as depression (74%) and anxiety (75%). According to estimates from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the U.S healthcare sector has lost nearly half a million workers since February 2020. These figures are disconcerting. WHAT IS B...