LIFE IN FOCUS: A Self-Discovery Journal for Powerful Transformation

Bookbaby Amazon ENERGY Everything comes down to energy. Health (both mental and physical) is about energy. Time management is about energy. Productivity and efficiency are about energy. Relationship building is about energy. Learning, attention and concentration are about energy. When low, very little happens. When mindfully high, you become unstoppable. YOUR LIFE FEELS JOYFUL! You experience what the French so beautifully coined: Joie de vivre! In today's busy world, it's easy to get caught up with endless to-do lists and mindless engagements that serve little purpose other than to keep you on the proverbial hamster wheel of busy-ness. Jumping from thought to thought and task to task keeps you from silencing your mind for even 30 seconds to catch your breath . Today's hectic, high-tech lifestyle of constant distractions has turned most of us into human DO -ings rather than Human Be -ing...