WHAT TO DO WHEN FEELING OVERWHELMED? 5 Steps Toward Gaining Control & Clarity

Breathe in deeply to bring your mind home to your body. - Thich Nhat Hanh Emotional and cognitive overload is the feeling you get when everything seems to be coming at you at once. The speed feels relentless and the demands are escalating exponentially. Almost everyone can identify with the pressure of the feeling of overwhelm. Too much to do and not enough time! The question, in that moment, becomes- What do I do? Unless we are talking about circumstances in which your training has prepared you for rapid-fire decision making and execution, such as working in the emergency room or on military special operations missions, your personal situation in which you are feeling the stress of overwhelm is likely due to a life that has snuck up on you. Your To-Do list that once felt manageable has now grown to include a plethora of responsibilities with strict deadlines that you did not entirely anticipate. Or, an ...