TAKE A DEEP BREATH INHALE PEACE EXHALE HAPPINESS - A.D. Posey Our modern world blurs the boundaries between day and night; between the diurnal and the nocturnal. A staggering and growing number of sleep deprived and caffeine infused individuals is resulting in hormonal imbalances, compromised immune systems, and executive functioning fatigue. While sleep research continues to expand and attract the attention of neuroscientists, it is still very much in its developing stages. The research, however, strongly supports that restorative sleep is vital for energy and health. Complicating the picture and quite concerning is the direct link between restorative sleep and anxiety . Going to bed with a head full of mindless mental chatter is not likely to produce a good night's sleep. We've all been there. Shutting off and blocking out the mental noise feel like daunting tasks, making it harder to finally get to sleep, and even harder to remain asleep....