YOGA, GABA AND MOOD: Finding Your Inner Calm

Using magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging, researchers at Boston University School of Medicine (BUSM) found that practicing yoga may elevate gamma-aminobutyric (GABA) levels. Why is this important? Because GABA is a natural brain relaxant that helps you feel good. Depression and anxiety disorders are on the rise. Whether characterized by a persistently depressed mood and/or an overactive and anxious mind, these disorders are debilitating and grow in severity if not appropriately addressed. Loss of interest in activities, slow cognitive tempo, a chronic feeling of "something bad is about to happen" and low energy are symptomatic of a larger problem if these feelings persist for more days than not. While a negative mood and lethargy are typical human experiences, it's their chronicity that creates concern. On a positive note, depressive and anxiety symptoms, although common, are also highly treatable. Until recently, the g...